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  男,汉族,1950年2月出生,山东海阳人。1967年11月参加工作,1972年11月加入中国共产党,博士研究生学... 详情>>
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  男,山东济南人。博士,研究员,中国社会科学院副院长,中国社会学会副会长,中国社会科学院社会学研究所副所长。《社会... 详情>>


    作者:WeiliLiu DonglinZeng 出版时间:2013年12月


    1 Concepts Related to Urbanization

    Real urbanization should include four aspects:(1)Population urbanization;(2)Industry and economic urbanization;(3)life condition urbanization;(4)land and spatial urbanization.

    About the content of quality of Urbanization,mainly due to different statistical coverage,different scholars have different definitions. In this paper,we will adopt the definition defined by Guo Yebo(2013)which combines the definition of quality defined by International Organization for Standardization(ISO9000:2000). As he pointed out,the quality of urbanization is defined as a comprehensive concept which reflects the degree of excellence of urbanization,especially the degree of meeting the growing material and cultural needs of urban and rural residents with the quality of development of the constituent elements of urbanization,the degree of coordination and propulsion efficiency. Among them the constituent elements include demographic,economic,social and spatial.

    At the same time,sustainable development is a concept of social development,sustainable development is not only requires the development,it also pursues sustainable use of resources,comprehensive stable demographic,social,economic,ecological and other comprehensive,systematic,long-term development. Sustainable development has made higher demands to the development and improvement of urbanization in the balance between population,economic,social,spatial and other social resources to make considerable progress.

    2 Problems of Urbanization

    1.Population Arrangements

    As for the population size aspect,people attracted by and gather in the center city,resulting in larger urban population. But the urban residents blindly increase at different degrees,floating population is large,hence,this trend gets disharmony with the urban size and natural carrying capacity. In some areas,although the number of towns grew rapidly,by the impact of population urbanization in different places,the population of towns continues to decrease. As for the quality of the population,the proportion of urban population,though relatively high,the quality is not high,and stability of urbanization stays at low level. The quality of life of urban residents and cultural qualities of less-developed cities significantly fall behind other highly developed cities. Then on the protection mechanisms hand,land dividend distribution of benefits is still unfair,and farmers lack of entrepreneurship,employment during urbanization,short-term training can not be crossed long-term investment in human capital threshold,so it is difficult to provide job security. Meanwhile,health care,education,social security can not keep up with the level of development.

    2.Economic Development

    From the overall development perspective,the importance of improving economic strength and competitiveness is not put enough attention on during the process of urbanization. Urbanization lags behind industrialization,non-agricultural and the GDP growth rate,there is a certain degree of deviation between the level of urbanization and economic development. Many problems exist such as lacking of appropriate co-ordination of industrial development,unclear industry positioning,single leading industries,low degree of industry correlation,lacking of intrinsic motivation. The town development reflects a distinctive characteristic called‘Embedded’development and mainly relys on external forces to be promoted. What’s more,the layout of town is improper,Village-and-town enterprises scatter around,so many development districts are set up too large,and lack of specialized and advanced services. Some towns are economically underdeveloped,weak on industrial base and technological development and innovation capability,and lack of human resources. What’s more,affected by‘dual social and economic structure’,the layout shows‘dual urbanization’. Meanwhile,the economic cooperation among the towns loosely connects,small and medium sized cities lack pf division and outstanding figures. And the large cities’development is restricted,which limits the enhancement of competitive edges of the enterprises and industries and urbanization acceleration.

    3.Social Management

    Due to special geographical features,the presence of historical issues as well as different levels of improper planning,poor social management indeed emerges during urbanization process which obviously does not match the level of urban development.

    On the Infrastructure aspect,firstly,a considerable number of town planning lags behind,the layouts are irrational and redundant construction does exist while not matched to the needs. Secondly,the size of town is too small and scattered around with low level of development,and the functional distinction between urban and rural towns is not clear enough. Especially the te