Observing the housing system reforms of China in the past thirty years,we can see our government has been making a great effort to promote the housing rights of its citizens.Meanwhile,we also find that by reforming the traditional housing system,China has established a modern concept of housing rights that separates the housing supply of the Chinese government from the market.This change gradually sets up a housing system with Chinese characteristics,namely by the forms of low-cost housing,affordable housing,and public rental housing,etc;the government directly or indirectly helps the citizens from urban and suburban areas with lowest- income,low-income,or-middle-income families to solve the housing problem.At the same time,the market satisfies the housing needs of ordinary families through the form of commercial housing.In particular,the article examines and summarizes the establishment of an affordable housing system,its achievements,and its shortcomings.It also points out that future reform of China's housing system should be able to solve some problems.