In 2010 with the general guidance of “the concept of scientific development”,all levels of the Guangzhou Administration of Culture,Broadcasting,TV,News and Publication made a good use of the chance of welcoming the 16th Asian Games,creating the National Civilized City and hosting the Ninth China Art Festival,further enhanced the construction of cultural facilities,promoted literary and creation,built cultural brands,standardized the cultural market,developed cultural industry and completed the public cultural service system. Active progresses were made in the cause of culture,broadcasting,TV,news and publication. In the year 2011 all levels of the Guangzhou Administration of Culture,Broadcasting,TV,News and Publication will make detailed schedules focusing on the general plan of construction of powerful cultural province,powerful city and world-distinguished city,for the fulfillment of the a plan of cultural development in order to ensure a good beginning for achieving the goals of the 12th Five-Year Plan.