The concepts of “holding a humanistic and scientific view of development” and “establishing a socialist harmonious society” raised in the 16th and 17th Congress of CCP have built a institutional base to socially include the marginalized group,gradually solve the social injustice and instability,and to meet up the gap between rich and poor. The foremost is to set up a stronger and more comprehensive social security net. In the meanwhile,the following issues worth attention:1)the peasants who have lost their land(esp. those in the early period of urbanization)and their social welfare issues;2)the handicapped and their well-being;3)urban people who are living with the MLSGS(Minimum Living Standard Guarantee System)and their life.
In addition to such subsistence right as material-based social benefits,the decision-makers shall comprehend that these social benefits have the other side of meaning,say the human rights and civil rights. In this sense,we shall put more efforts on the following issues:1)the establishment of a developmental social security net to eradicate social exclusion;2)building up a comprehensive social security net with social insurance,assistance,welfare and charity;3)law and mass media as the open and transparent supervisor backing up this social support system;4)facilitate access for the marginalized group to appeal for their own interests.