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    男,汉族,1950年2月出生,山东海阳人。1967年11月参加工作,1972年11月加入中国共产党,博士研究生学... 详情>>
李 扬
    1951年9月出生,籍贯安徽,1981年、1984年、1989年分别于安徽大学、复旦大学、中国人民大学获经济学学... 详情>>
    男,山东济南人。博士,研究员,中国社会科学院副院长,中国社会学会副会长,中国社会科学院社会学研究所副所长。《社会... 详情>>



    我国民营企业经营空间的拓展,既有初始状态的国际贸易(产品出口),也有国际间的直接投资。尽管国内关于民营企业“走出去”的研究文献为数众多,但由于官方的统计信息对民营企业国际化的关注几乎是个空白,使得大量的文献研究难以摆脱“只见树木,不见森林”的缺陷。我们的研究试图弥补这一空白。本文运用中国社会科学院民营经济研究中心与浙江省工商局等单位合作于2008年对北京、上海、浙江和山东等10个省市民营企业的调查资料,从实证的角度分析了当前我国民营企业实施“走出去”战略的现状与特点,分析和阐明了民营企业“走出去”的决定因素,得出了现阶段我国民营企业“走出去”还处于以对外出口为主,除少数个案外,大多数民营企业对外投资的活动尚处于试探性的摸索阶段,我国民营企业在“走出去”实现国际化的道路上还有很长一段路要走的结论。尽管如此,在一些竞争性领域和劳动密集型产业,我国的民营企业已经具备了较强的竞争实力。因此,对那些处在具有比较优势产业中的民营企业,“走出去”战略为其开展国际贸易、开拓国际市场提供了更加广阔的发展空间。如果说20世纪80年代后期我国政府为民营企业“松绑”,促使了民营经济“起飞”的话,那么这次中国政府实施的“走出去”战略,将历史地成为民营企业获得新的更大发展的历史机遇。目前,我国民营企业在通往国际化的道路上已经迈出了第一步,其发展前景是令人鼓舞的。 <<


    In China,policy makers and scholars use the term of “Going-Out” to describe the phenomena of Chinese firms’ internationalization,in comparison with the decade long “Introducing-Into” strategy. The “Going-Out” strategy is also understood as cross country operation strategy,international operation strategy,overseas operation strategy or global operation strategy. The international expansions of Chinese NGEs’(Non-governmental Enterprises)operation space are in different forms:from simply exporting products to outward FDI. Though there is a great deal of studies on the NGEs’ “Going-Out” phenomena,official statistics on this are rare,resulting in most of these studies focusing on individual cases instead of systematic research. Our study tries to make this up. In 2008,Center for Private Economic Studies,CASS and Zhejiang Industry & Commerce Administrative Bureau have finished a survey on the NGEs within 10 provinces and municipalities. Utilizing the data from this survey,we have studied the NGEs’ “Going-Out” strategies empirically,including their characteristics and current situations,as well as the determinants for implementing such strategies. Our results show that,for most NGEs,the practices of “Going-Out” are simply exporting products. Except for a few cases,most outward FDI activities are still in probing stage. There is still a long way for Chinese NGEs to step forward in internationalization. Though facing difficulties,in some labor intensive or competitive industries,Chinese NGEs have showed their competitiveness. For firms in those industries with comparative advantages,the “Going-Out” strategy will help them explore international market and easier to engage in international trade. In the late 1980s,removing the restrictions on the NGEs had provided an opportunity for non-governmental sector to prosper;now,the “Going-Out” strategy promoted by the Chinese government will surely open another time window for the growth of the NGEs. Chinese NGEs have begun their journey of internationalization,and they do have an encouraging prospect.
