The burgeoning of the new media has brought about profound changes to China's media environment. The frequent incidence of public opinion events had raised the attention and concerns of the state,society,and academics. Based on the strong technique support of Shanghai Jiaotong University,the self-developed database of chronicle public events,and the data mining and statistical analysis skills,the Public Opinion Laboratory of Shanghai Jiaotong University carried out series of studies. The studies include the change of the public events over the past 10 years,as well as the public opinion features,media platforms,intervention strategies,news release channels,regional differences,influence to the public policies,ways of rumor spreading,and factors associated with the attention to the public events. The study included 5000 hottest public events between 2003 and 2012. The main findings include:(1) the incidence and heat of the public events increases over the past ten years;(2) the influence of the new media is growing and the spreading speed is increasing;(3) intervention to the public events is speeding up and the effect is getting better;(4) news releasing system is improving and via more channels;(5) public events promote public policies,and the news reporters and opinion leaders play important roles;(6) regional differences exist on the incidence,types,and first-explosion media of the public events;(7) rumor spreading is growing with the development of new media;(8) multiple factors influence the attention to the public events,and netizen cares more facets of the public events than news media. Findings of the studies provide valuable guidelines to the governing,decision-making,and accordant responding of the principal departments.