After undergoing a decade of rapid development, the world renewable energy market has, for the first time, experienced a decrease in total investment in 2012, as compared to a year earlier. The renewable energy market is facing temporary sluggish development, due to the excessive expansion of production capacity and the slowing-down of the consumer market growth under the economic crisis. However, renewable energy markets in different regions and countries present different development trends, in which the emerging market has become the main force of renewable energy growth. Solar energy, wind energy and biofuels are growing rapidly to become the three fastest growing industries in the fields of renewable energy. There appears to be two opposite trends in the renewable energy development objectives and policies of different nations-"less incentive power" and "increased stimulus intensity". From the perspective of RD&D of new technologies, global trading of production and consumption, and the development and in novation on investment & financing, there is still a long to go before we can achieve sustainable energy goal. However, from the global renewable energy development perspective, we can definitely see the huge market potential and investment opportunities.