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    男,汉族,1950年2月出生,山东海阳人。1967年11月参加工作,1972年11月加入中国共产党,博士研究生学... 详情>>
李 扬
    1951年9月出生,籍贯安徽,1981年、1984年、1989年分别于安徽大学、复旦大学、中国人民大学获经济学学... 详情>>
    男,山东济南人。博士,研究员,中国社会科学院副院长,中国社会学会副会长,中国社会科学院社会学研究所副所长。《社会... 详情>>



    中欧清洁能源中心项目(EC2)旨在通过建立示范区的形式,展示欧盟和中国在清洁能源领域的合作潜力与重大意义。为应对共同的挑战,寻求共享的发展机遇,欧盟2020经济增长计划为欧盟设定了智慧、持续与包容性发展战略;中国在“十二五”期间设定了绿色低碳的经济转型方向,EC2以共同的政策方向和具体务实的合作内容珠联璧合,聚焦能源安全和可持续性城市化发展这两个领域,达成战略共识,促进共赢。以中国(尤其是中国西部)绿色转型过程中遇到的机遇和挑战为试点,在新疆乌鲁木齐建立清洁能源示范区,引进欧洲成功示范项目中欧洲清洁能源政策经验以及先进技术与综合规划,为开拓中国城市创新能源和环保战略提供重要的借鉴和参考。同时为中欧的可持续城市化发展在政策和技术/商业两个方面带来生机与活力,对中欧合作起到了巨大的推动作用。 <<


    The Europe-China Clean Energy Centre Project (EC2) is an implementing model of the cooperation between the European Union and China in the field of clean energy through the creation of a Demo Zone . The Demo Zone is an urban area in a process of regeneration, in which European policy experience and technological solutions related to clean energy are introduced, based on tools and methodologies successfully adopted in European demonstration projects. Faced by the common challenges and in the search for shared growth opportunities, the EU 2020 growth strategy for a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy and the green and low-carbon transformation of the Chinese economy outlined in China's 12th Five Year Plan have laid a promising common ground for the emerging EU-China cooperation framework, supported by both shared political aspirations and concrete collaborative actions. In the ongoing and future policy-driven and action-oriented cooperation between Europe and China, energy security and sustainable urbanization are identified as two focal areas where both sides see common strategic interests as well as mutual benefits. Given the challenges and opportunities inherent to the process of green and low-carbon transformation in China, and in particular in Western China, the clean energy Demo Zone that EC2 is developing in Urumqi, Xinjiang Region, represents a considerable potential for cooperation between Europe and China, at both the policy and the technology/business levels. The European urban demonstration projects have been chosen by EC2 as a reference background for innovative energy and environmental strategies in Chinese cities. A Demo Zone Toolkit has been developed, i.e.,a methodological set for public decision makers to govern and manage urban projects, which have been tested in Europe with adaptations for the Chinese context. The key to this process is tackling the complexity of the urban demonstration setting, using the right mix of innovative methods, which are well accepted by local stakeholders. Although the operation of the Demo Zone is still at an initial stage, the experience gained so far shows that this is a viable endeavour thanks to the strong support and commitment from both the Chinese and the European sides. This is facilitated by the role of EC2 as an effective and recognized platform for the dialogue between the Chinese and the European stakeholders, including public institutions, experts, research centres and the business community. <<
    RobertoPagani:Roberto Pagani,北京中欧清洁能源中心欧洲方面的合作主管,也是Politecnico di Torino的教授
    Alessandra Merlo:北京中欧清洁能源中心联络官。
    NannanLundin:Nannan Lundin,Tekfors AB公司的创办人。
    Roberto Pagani:北京中欧清洁能源中心欧洲方面的合作主管,也是Politecnico di Torino的教授
    Alessandra Merlo:北京中欧清洁能源中心的联络官
    Nannan Lundin:Tekfors AB公司的创办人