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    男,汉族,1950年2月出生,山东海阳人。1967年11月参加工作,1972年11月加入中国共产党,博士研究生学... 详情>>
李 扬
    1951年9月出生,籍贯安徽,1981年、1984年、1989年分别于安徽大学、复旦大学、中国人民大学获经济学学... 详情>>
    男,山东济南人。博士,研究员,中国社会科学院副院长,中国社会学会副会长,中国社会科学院社会学研究所副所长。《社会... 详情>>






    "In 2013, China has stepped into a crucial stage of social and economic reform. Facing complex and volatile international situation, coupled with complicated social problems at the domestic level, the third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) approved ""the Decision on Major Issues Concerning Comprehensive Reform Plan of the CPC Central Committee"", which will stimulate social and economic development. In general, a series of policies have been implemented in order to facilitate structural adjustment, stabilize the momentum of development, and promote economic growth. Currently, the rate of economic growth has been stabilized; at the same time, labor demand exceeds labor supply, which has significant impact on the employment situation. With growing number of migrant workers in metropolitan areas, the urbanization rate will reach 54%. Government enforced policies to promote equality in education, and the percentage of college enrollment in central and western China has been increased. Reforms of the transformation of government function arrive at a new stage, accompanied by a period of dramatic increase of social organizations in the near future. The number of participants in social insurance programs keeps rising, with expanding social insurance coverage. However, problems of imbalanced and unsustainable development still exist. Statistics from the first three quarter show that the rate of income increase for urban and rural residents is decelerating, and the rate of increase for per capita disposable income of urban residents is lower than GDP growth rate. Under this background, food price and housing price keep rising, which has negative impact on consumption of average people. At the same time, soaring price show down of necessities show down the process of eitigenization of peasant workers. Due to the adjustment of industrial structure, for a long petimeriod in the future, new graduates will probably face large scale structural unemployment. As an aging society, old-age support will become an important social issue in the future. Disputes over pollution have been multiplied because of the deterioration of environment. And in some regions, civil disturbance has weakened sense of security. Therefore, in 2014, government should adjust the scope of macro-control, promote steady growth, and implement a comprehensive package plan oriented in the right towards correct direction. At the same time, more effort should be made to protect and improve people's well-being, which has a predominant impact on the effect of the current reform plan. It is very important to provide equal opportunity for every Chinese to fulfill the ""Education Dream"" and ""Employment Dream"". With prudent planning in the area of the hukou registration regulations, reform should be carried out in a balanced and comprehensive manner. With the new adjustment to the one-child policy, the new policy allows couples to have two children if one spouse is an only child. However, population structure and scale should be consistent with sustainable development. Reforms over rural land and housing regulation should move forward with full consideration of the protection of peasants' rights and interests. The overarching reform target should be set over the foundation of innovation of social governance, which is essential in maintaining social harmony and social stability." <<
    李培林:男,山东济南人。博士,研究员,中国社会科学院副院长,中国社会学会副会长,中国社会科学院社会学研究所副所长。《社会学研究》主编。第十八届中国共产党中央委员会候补委员, 社会政法学部学部委员。 主要研究领域:发展社会学、组织社会学、工业社会学。 主要代表作:《村落的终结》(专著)、《社会结构转型——中国经济体制改革的社会学分析》(专著)、《和谐社会十讲》(专著)、《另一只看不见的手——社会结构转型》(专著)、《转型中的中国企业:国有企业组织创新论》(合著)、《新社会结构的生长点》(合著)、《社会冲突与阶级意识——当代中国社会矛盾问题研究》(合著)、《国有企业社会成本分析》(合著)、《中国社会发展报告》(主编)、《中国新时期阶级阶层报告》(主编)等。