During the "11th five-year plan" period,the Guangxi actively respond to the challenges and opportunities to expand domestic demand,the package plan,allowing the economy to continue to maintain high-speed steady development,overcoming the international financial crisis and natural disaster for the economy of the difficulties. Three demand structure adjustment,consumption export function gradually strengthened;Three industries,the coordinated development,accelerate industrialization process. Financial operation have generally been steady and rapid development trend,the bank loan amount step on new level,both slowing securities financing,insurance compensation has been strengthened,financial ecological improved obviously.During the "12th five-year plan" period,Guangxi financial sector reform development will face more great opportunities and challenges.Based on the comprehensive review and summarize the "11th five-year plan" period Guangxi financial sector reform development achievements,Guangxi development over the next five years will face the new change,new features and new problems,At last,giving recommendations of Guangxi financial sector reform during the "12th five-year plan" period.