<<Based upon the growth from 1991 to 2012,and aiming at the target of extended demotic cultural consumption demand and advanced sharing between urban and rural areas,and among various regions,measuring to the “due space” of the countrywide total cultural consumption demand in urban-rural areas in 2012 are as follows:16387.89 billion yuan in the valued pillar industry;31454.22 billion yuan in the valued avoiding negative correlation;35908.14 billion yuan in the valued optimal proportion;46029.58 billion yuan in the valued lowest urban-rural ratio;51617.12 billion yuan in the valued closed urban-rural ratio;81208.89 billion yuan in the valued without urban-rural gap;109504.06 billion yuan in the valued without regional gap. But the actual gross is only 11405.97 billion yuan. It is clear at a glance which the growth distance with regard to countrywide cultural consumption demand in urban-rural areas had two dimensions:on the one hand,that consist in the harmonious difference of economic increase and basic people’s livelihood and cultural people’s livelihood enhancement;on the other hand,that consist in the statuesque difference of cultural people’s livelihood enhancement between urban and rural areas,and among various regions. Based upon the above analysis,the total growth space of countrywide cultural consumption to 2020 are estimated as follows:33616.15 billion yuan in the target of average added value over the years;54838.25 billion yuan in the target of pillar industry;117671.11 billion yuan in the target of avoiding negative correlation;120158.23 billion yuan in the target of optimal proportion;155310.50 billion yuan in the target of lowest urban-rural ratio;172284.35 billion yuan in the target of closed urban-rural ratio;271746.66 billion yuan in the target without urban-rural gap;381147.04 billion yuan in the target without regional gap.