Economic recovery and continual growth represents macroeconomic situation of the five Central Asian countries as they gradually walked out of the economic downturn under the impact of global financial crisis. This trend showed in several ways. Growth rate in some countries, e.g., Turkmenistan, was substantially high,and continual growth in export volume and in the revenue from the exportation of energy and raw materials along with the rise in the price of international commodities. Potential risks were represented by high rate of inflation and negative impact from Euro Zone sovereignty debt crisis in despite of macroeconomic stability in general. Central Asian countries are still faced with challenges as a result of intrinsic structural and institutional constraints in context of the instability in the prospect of the global economy. The countermeasures to challenges as following: first, develop a stable macroeconomic environment for continual economic growth in the short run; second, make in-depth adjustment in economic structure together with the enhancement of modernization in national economies in the medium and long run; third, carry out further institutional reform to perfect the environment for operation of market mechanism; last, create solid political and social foundation for economic development.