<<The survey data shows when female migrant workers settle down in cities,their lifestyle begins to change. With the increase in income and improvement of family status,they raise their consumption level accordingly,and their consumption pattern is undergoing a transformation.
At present,Chinese city female migrant workers’ consumption has four characteristics:First,their income is increasing and it is more common that they manage their own economy. Second,their consumption is growing very prudently and on the whole the level needs improving. Compared with rural women,the quality of their consumption is more or less the same. Third,their consumption structure is undergoing small changes. Brand and high-tech consumption is coming to their attention,and they begin to take interest in products such as computers and digital cameras. This shows high-tech consumption may become a consumption trend for them. Fourth,female migrant workers born in the 80s and after spend more money on consumption than the rest of them and will become the leading force with new consumption habits.
The report suggests that the government and the society as a whole should pay attention to female migrant workers’ consumption,strengthen policy support,and push forward a system reform. Female migrant workers’ lawful rights should be protected. They also need education and should update their consumption concepts and learn to consume rationally.
<<Keywords: | Consumptioncity female migrant workers |