<<In 2009,China’s each macro-economic indicator has obviously changed for the better,and the profits of listed companies have touched ground and rise. In the whole,in 2009,A-stock market presents the operation pattern which rises and falls suddenly and sharply. Under the impetus of domestic and foreign economic resurgence anticipation and of extreme loose mobility,in 2009 the combined share index of Shanghai stock exchange has risen from 1935.50 points at the beginning of the year to the peak 3478.01 points on the 4th of August;in the first seven months,China’s Astock market had went out the unilateral rising market,and the rising scope was close to 80%,which was pacemaker in the global stock market. At the beginning of August,under the influence of market expansion acceleration and of anticipated credit policy readjustment etc.,A-stock market carried on quick adjusting. The primary factors which influence the stock market trend in the future include that,whether can the overseas main economic bodies stabilize and recover,whether is the progression of Chinese economic resurgence optimistic,how can the macroeconomic policy maintain the stability and the continuity,certainly the pressure of market expansion does not allow to be looked down upon.