<<Both community nursing and home care professionally for the aged turn out to be a consensus in rapid aging process. As is well known,community nursing care is suffering from fund and professional shortage as well as single service when various resources integration in the community gradually has been a focus. Based on community nursing care shortages presently,this article not only summarizes the concept of integration of community nursing resources for the aged but also argues the feasibility to develop a recourses-integrated system for the aged in communities. Above all,this article deduces that a top view is supposed to be developed. That is to say,we should intensify the idea on the community multifunctional nursing care for the aged by deeming them to be our country’s health and wealth origination. In addition,a kind of coordination by designated social worker and separate fund is necessary in order to develop a multi-side participation on community platform by government,professional and enterprise as well as other organizations.
<<Keywords: | Aging IndustryCommunity CareResources IntegrationHome care for the agedPolicies for the aged |