<<At the early stage of an aging society,China is now in a transition to an aging economy,and will grow to be world’s largest potential market. Silver industry,is basic industry,pillar industry,and strategic industry in an aging society. It is a normal practice for developed countries to adjust their industrial strategy by developing silver industry,which will be a booster of China’s economy in the future. At present,China sees a rapid growing older population and a new silver industry whose sales amount in GDP is relatively low,indicating that there is a huge space for development. It is projected that by 2050,the total market capacity of silver industry will account for 1/3 of GDP. However,China’s silver industry faces a series of challenges,including lack of effective demand,irrational industrial structure,slow organizational development,unclear industrial policies,and deficient institutional mechanism etc. A thriving silver industry needs joint efforts of the whole society,especially support from government departments,with whose efforts to make reform and innovations,to create a good environment and move the obstacles. Most importantly,pioneers from various fields should see the trend,analyze the overall situation,occupy the vantage point,work hard persistently,and finally become world’s market leader in silver industry. With their capacity,these pioneers will be able to provide strong economic support for a China Dream that people of all ages can live healthy and happy with security and dignity when they grow old.