<<In 2014,China’s accumulated tax revenue appeared an obviously high-speed running posture in the first quarter of the year,which growth rate was 2.5 percent higher than the economic growth rate. In the second quarter of the year,the accumulated tax revenue rebounded,but still 0.7 percent higher than the economic growth rate. The tax revenue continued to fall in the third quarter of the year,which synchronized changing with the economic growth rate,and only 0.4 percent higher than the economic growth rate. The main categories of taxes income growth over the previous year showed declines of varying degrees. The growth rate of large coastal provinces,which are the main sources of tax revenue,rebounded slightly,and directly made the national tax revenue growth small rebounded. If China’s macroeconomic situation appears normally new situations in 2015,the tax revenues will also enter a medium speed growth period,and continue to maintain the basic synchronization with economic growth.
<<Keywords: | Tax RevenueTax Situation |