<<Since the eleventh plan,the urbanization development of Sichuan Province has made remarkable achievements. The urbanization rate increased from 34.3% to 44.9%,the urban population reached 36400000. The measurement system of urbanization development level is built by 6 respects,including populations,industrial structure,infrastructure,the public service,resources andenvironment,and coordinated development. It may be concluded that the urbanization level of Sichuan has a general increase,which economic growth as its main characteristics. In addition,The urbanization development of cities is relatively lagging behind. The influencefactors contain both fundamental reasons,such as level of industrialization,urbaninfrastructure and differences in industrialstructure model,the population base,and consumption customs. We predict there will be a promotion in the development of new urbanization speed and quality,and the level of sustainable development of city. But the pressure of the resources and the environment is still immense;the regional urbanization level will not balance.