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    男,汉族,1950年2月出生,山东海阳人。1967年11月参加工作,1972年11月加入中国共产党,博士研究生学... 详情>>
李 扬
    1951年9月出生,籍贯安徽,1981年、1984年、1989年分别于安徽大学、复旦大学、中国人民大学获经济学学... 详情>>
    男,山东济南人。博士,研究员,中国社会科学院副院长,中国社会学会副会长,中国社会科学院社会学研究所副所长。《社会... 详情>>



    文化创意产品经常以动态、融合及多元社会精神层次来呈现商品特质,加上文化创意产业涵盖范围极为宽广,例如工艺、竹艺、陶艺、地方文化产品、视讯内容、电影、广播、出版……都各自特色且专业分工,因此不像其他产业有较深的产业价值链模式;且文化创意产业经常必须异业结合、共同发展产品特色(例如电影与纪念商品之结合营销),因此多数文化创意产业价值链与经营规模相对于一般产业(例如电子产业)是较小的;加上创作者、经营者对产品的经营与发展常具有绝对的主观性,因此在文化创意商品化过程中往往都以短、中期性合作产出为主要趋势。品牌是维系顾客忠诚度、创造竞争利基的核心资产,透过品牌建立的过程,将创作者的作品予以具体呈现;透过品牌形塑过程不断地向外界强化其创作品形象(image)及产品主张来形塑品牌价值(brandvalue),然后再树立经营优势、确保永续经营能力,相信这是许多文创设计者(生产者)内心所衷心期盼的。品牌营销是长远且有效的产业经营方式,透过品牌营销可以让消费者立刻掌握产品的特色并凝聚对产品的向心力;且透过品牌形塑过程,将各种文化创意价值传递给不同的大众,如此才能深化文创产品之文化、智能及价值。因此在各国政府极为重视及推广“创意经济”发展的同时,如何透过文化创意产业化所产生的附加价值来极大化创意经济的发展?品牌的形塑与发展将是文创产业重要的路径与指针。建构文创产业与品牌发展之联结将是文创产业重要的竞争策略,这也是决定文创产业存续与否之最重要核心资产与能耐。 <<


    Culture creative products usually present commodity qualities by dynamic, fusion, and spiritual level of pluralistic society, furthermore the coverage of cultural creative industry is very broad, such as craft, decoration, pottery, local culture products, videos, movies, broadcasting, publishing,etc, which all have their own features and professional division of labor. Therefore, they do not have a stable industry value chain model like any other industries do; And cultural and creative industries usually need the combination of different fields and develop product characteristics together (such as the combination of films and commodity marketing), therefore mostly the cultural creative industry value chain and scale of operation is smaller, compared with general industry (such as electronic industry); Besides, the creator and operator often has the absolute subjectivity of their product management and development, so short, medium cooperation output would be the main trend in culture creativity commercialization process. The brand is to maintain customers' loyalty, to create core assets of competition niche, and to present the creator's works through the process of brand building. Through the brand shaping process, works' image continuously strengthened to the outside world, brand value shaped by the product, and the operation advantage set up to ensure a non-stop management ability, this,the author believes, is the designers' (or producers') final goal of cultural innovation from the bottom of their heart. Brand marketing is a long-term and effective industry operation mode. Consumers can understand the unique features of the product immediately through the brand marketing; and various cultural and creative value would be passed to the different people through brand shaping process. Thus culture, intelligence, and value of culture creative products can be deepened. The government makes much of "creative economy". However, what culture creative industry is to the maximum of creative economy, that brand shaping and marketing is to the culture creative industry. This fact makes brand shaping a vital compass for creative economy. Therefore to build up the link of culture creative industry and the brand development will not only be the important competitive strategy for culture creative industry, but also a decisive factor to culture creative industry survival problem. <<