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    男,汉族,1950年2月出生,山东海阳人。1967年11月参加工作,1972年11月加入中国共产党,博士研究生学... 详情>>
李 扬
    1951年9月出生,籍贯安徽,1981年、1984年、1989年分别于安徽大学、复旦大学、中国人民大学获经济学学... 详情>>
    男,山东济南人。博士,研究员,中国社会科学院副院长,中国社会学会副会长,中国社会科学院社会学研究所副所长。《社会... 详情>>



    本文通过对近期发布的一系列数据资料的分析指出:快速发生的人口结构变化,以及劳动力增量数量的回落,在改善就业环境的同时,造就了农民工“短缺”的大环境。教育分流所导致的初中文化程度劳动力增量的萎缩,以及劳动密集型企业对初中文化程度劳动力的刚性需求之间的矛盾,进一步激化了“民工荒”问题。另外,中西部地区的经济加速也增大了其劳动力需求,这就导致了东中西部地区之间的“招工竞争”。农民工劳动用工合同签约率的低下、大量劳务派遣工的存在,以及某些制造业工资水平的相对低下,也在某种程度上降低了企业对农民工的吸引程度。面对当前的招工难趋势,要进一步优化劳动用工环境,提升工资水平,以实有人口配置城市公共资源,增加企业对农民工的吸引力。 <<


    The paper analyzes a series of recent data to demonstrate that,although the overall employment situation is improved,both dramatic change of population structure and the decreasing rate of labor increment contribute to the shortage of labor supply.Moreover,since a significant percentage of youth still want to pursue their education,which leads to further shrinkage of peasant workers who only finished their junior high school education.On the other hand,there is an unbalanced labor supply and demand for the labor intensive industry,which exacerbates the current situation of labor shortage.Additionally,the accelerating rate of economic development in central and western China also contributes to the increasing demand for all level of workers.Therefore, employers from eastern and mid-western China have to compete for workers in the process of recruitment.Meanwhile,factors such as lack of labor contract protection,the misuse of labor dispatch contract,and the low salary in traditional manufacturing industry,also make those entry and middle level jobs unattractive to peasant workers.Facing those challenges,government should step up and make effort to improve working environment and push for higher salaries for peasant workers.In the meantime,government should allocate public resource in urban area based on the real number of urban dwellers instead of "registered residents".On the other hand, business sector also needs to make some improvement to attract peasant workers. <<