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    男,汉族,1950年2月出生,山东海阳人。1967年11月参加工作,1972年11月加入中国共产党,博士研究生学... 详情>>
李 扬
    1951年9月出生,籍贯安徽,1981年、1984年、1989年分别于安徽大学、复旦大学、中国人民大学获经济学学... 详情>>
    男,山东济南人。博士,研究员,中国社会科学院副院长,中国社会学会副会长,中国社会科学院社会学研究所副所长。《社会... 详情>>



    本文结合统计数据,分析内生增长理论对广州产业体系优化与技术创新演进路径的解释。首先,我们分析广州各产业经济总量的演进情况;其次,我们探讨广州的技术创新能力的变化;最后分析技术创新能力与广州各产业体系之间的内在联系。研究表明:广州市金融环境较为完善,技术创新人才也较为充足。但是创新资金与创新人才的分布是不均衡的。大量民营企业特别是中小民营企业难以获得创新资源,于是创新效率是不足的。创新效率方面存在的问题使得广州产业结构在不断优化的过程中存在着隐忧,体现为第二产业就业结构不合理地大于产业结构,而第三产业的产业结构亦不合理地远大于就业结构。总之,广州产业正在实现快速成长,但自主创新所起作用有限,2006年以后甚至出现产业成长与自主创新一定程度上的背离。广州产业体系体现出合理化与高级化的演进趋势,并且与技术创新能力提高有明显互动,但是技术创新的作用尚待进一步发挥和完善。 <<


    Combined with statistical data, this paper analyzes the explanation of the endogenous growth theory to Guangzhou's industrial system optimization and the evolutionary path of technology innovation. Firstly, we analyze the evolution of each industry's total economic output in Guangzhou; secondly, we discuss the change of Guangzhou's technology innovation capability; finally, we analyze the intrinsic link between technology innovation capability and Guangzhou industrial systems. This research indicates that the financial environment in Guangzhou is more perfect, the talents of technology innovation are more adequate. However, the distribution of innovation fund and innovation talents is unbalanced. A large number of private enterprises, especially small and medium-sized private enterprises, are lack of access to innovation resources, which lead to innovation inefficiency, insidious threats may exist in the course of Guangzhou industry structure optimization. Reflected in "two unreasonable": secondary industry employment structure is greater than industry structure and the tertiary industry's structure is much greater than the employment structure. In short, the industry in Guangzhou grows rapidly, but the role of independent innovation is limited, even the industry growth and innovation have a certain extent deviation from 2006. Guangzhou industrial system reflects the evolution trend of rationalization and high-class, and interacting with the technology innovation capability improved obviously, though the role of technology innovation need to further fulfill and improve. <<