<<In this chapter,the safety condition of publishing and media industry in China is evaluated by 4 indexes-domestic industry environment,international competitiveness,industry management level and control power of industry. From the perspective of China’s domestic industrial environment,the capital efficiency is high,but the cost of financing is also high,and related industry competitiveness needs to be improved. The demand in domestic market is strong,and the potential is huge,but there are also structural imbalances. The production scale of this industry is large,and the resources are rich,but there is still a lack of market influence. From the perspective of international competitiveness,China’s publishing international trade and copyright trade are both in a deficit,and the international competitiveness is not strong. However,in terms of industrial control power,because China’s publishing and media industry is limited in the field of foreign investment,only the printing and distribution of publications are open to foreign investment,the control power is strong. The conclusion is that the security condition of China’s publishing and media industry is in a level of basic security,and there are still many security risks.