In 2011, Guangzhou has paved its way in the building of Guangzhou technology creation platform, development of high-tech industry, technology and finance reform, Informatization promotion and application, international and regional technology cooperation, introduction of high-level creation talents and also has achieved important breakthrough in National Innovation City and "Intelligent Guangzhou". 2012 is the beginning year of the promotion of economic low carbon, urban intelligence, social civilization, ecological beauty, integration of urban and country and new urbanized development with happiness life, and also the key year of 12th five plan implementation. In line with the speech made during the General Secretary Hu Jintao's visit in August, 2011, Guangzhou will dedicate to implement 8 hundreds technology innovation projects, and we are expected to made new breakthrough in innovation platform, high-level innovation talents, urban Informatization and technology service system. Nevertheless, challenge and opportunity co-exist in the high-tech industry in 2012, and the export of high-tech products is not optimistic.