<<Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China,it has been continuously confronted with a variety of territorial disputes that covers land border as well as offshore and distant islands. The book Strong Borders,Strong Nations:the Cooperation and Conflicts in China’s Territorial Disputes,written by Dr. Taylor Fravel,examines the People’s Republic of China’s policy over territorial disputes from the perspectives of international politics,international relations,and national security for the first time,basing its argument on a theoretic model concerning the initiative and causes of the policy making of state in territorial disputes. It analyzes the causes that motived China to adopt cooperative tactics on most disputes and take confrontational measures on a minority of disputes,and predicts the trends of the unsettled territorial disputes on the China-India borders,the Diaoyu Islands,and the Nansha Islands. This book may offer important theoretical values and realistic significance for scholars to conduct researches on the cooperation and conflicts in territorial disputes and for Chinese policy makers to deal with the issues related to its unsettled territorial disputes.
<<Keywords: | the People’s Public of ChinaChina’s Territorial DisputesCooperation and ConfrontationsInitiatives and Causes for Policy Making |