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    男,汉族,1950年2月出生,山东海阳人。1967年11月参加工作,1972年11月加入中国共产党,博士研究生学... 详情>>
李 扬
    1951年9月出生,籍贯安徽,1981年、1984年、1989年分别于安徽大学、复旦大学、中国人民大学获经济学学... 详情>>
    男,山东济南人。博士,研究员,中国社会科学院副院长,中国社会学会副会长,中国社会科学院社会学研究所副所长。《社会... 详情>>



    能源是人类社会赖以生存和发展的物质基础,在各国国民经济中占有举足轻重的地位。中国能源资源相对短缺但能源生产能力相对过剩,非洲能源资源相对丰富但能源供应严重不足,不同的能源资源禀赋和产业发展状况促成了双方蓬勃发展的能源合作热潮,并使能源合作成为迅猛发展的中非经贸合作关系的核心内容。然而,红火的能源合作热潮背后也潜伏着越来越多的矛盾与问题,其中有些矛盾与问题已浮出水面,日渐成为制约双方能源合作乃至整体经贸关系向纵深发展的障碍。本文将以非洲能源产业自身发展状况特别是供需状况为切入点,尝试对中非在石油、天然气、水电和太阳能4个能源合作领域潜伏或显现的矛盾与问题进行系统、深度解析,并在此基础上提出应对、解决这些矛盾与问题的战略思考。 <<


    Energy is the material basis of human society's survival and development, which plays an important role in the national economy. Energy resources in China relative shortage but energy relative surplus production capacity, energy resources are relatively abundant in Africa but energy supply is a serious shortage, different energy resource endowments and industrial development contributed to the their booming energy cooperation boom, and the energy cooperation has become the core content of the rapid development of Sino-African Economic and trade cooperation. However, behind the prosperous energy cooperation boom also have the potential to more and more contradictions and problems, of which some contradictions and problems have surfaced, becoming in restricting obstacle to the in-depth development of bilateral energy cooperation as well as the overall economic and trade relations. This article will be to Africa's energy industry's own development especially the status of supply and demand as the starting point, try system, the depth of analysis of non oil, natural gas, hydropower and solar four cooperation in the field of energy in a latent or manifest the contradictions and problems, and on this basis, provided a strategic thinking to deal with and solve these contradictions and problems. <<