<<During the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” period,Beijing Municipality has realized,as a major achievement,fast growth in resource input into the medical and healthcare undertakings. The crucial problem to be solved rests on the unsatisfactory quality and inefficiency vis-à-vis the fast growth in input. A qualitative analysis reveals the structural imbalance existing in the distribution of medical resources among different strata of medical institutions. A quantitative analysis shows the unsustainability of the growing expenditure of medical insurance. In addition to the separation between medical and pharmaceutical services,stratified diagnosis and treatment might be a feasible solution. In conclusion,the paper puts forth proposals on the construction of the medical alliance.
<<Keywords: | Structural Imbalance in Resource InputStratified Diagnosis and TreatmentMedical Alliancemoderate CompetitionCombination of Centralized Operation With Decentralized Operation |