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    男,汉族,1950年2月出生,山东海阳人。1967年11月参加工作,1972年11月加入中国共产党,博士研究生学... 详情>>
李 扬
    1951年9月出生,籍贯安徽,1981年、1984年、1989年分别于安徽大学、复旦大学、中国人民大学获经济学学... 详情>>
    男,山东济南人。博士,研究员,中国社会科学院副院长,中国社会学会副会长,中国社会科学院社会学研究所副所长。《社会... 详情>>

    2015年北京市民的亲社会行为及其动机机制研究 基于认知神经科学的研究


    亲社会行为是社会和谐的基石,如何促进亲社会行为的发生不仅是现实的社会需要,也是摆在社会心理学工作者面前的重要课题。当前研究往往存在混淆亲社会行为的意愿、动机与行为的现象,从而导致较难提出兼具可行性与可操作性的方案。本研究课题立足于回应现实世界问题,基于认知神经科学针对亲社会行为发生机制的研究成果,综合采用了社会心理学大规模调查与实验室实验方法,对北京市民亲社会行为的总体水平及其在不同职业、地区、年龄段与社会阶层的分布进行了考察,发现北京市民普遍存在较强的亲社会行为意愿,但是在具体亲社会行为的实施上却存在着较大落差。研究结果进一步发现,这一落差主要来自亲社会情绪的缺乏,与认知神经科学关于伏隔核动机机制的研究结果相吻合;亲社会情绪的缺乏主要与北京市民普遍的主观社会地位感知,尤其是尊重感的缺乏有关。随后我们借助两项实验室实验任务,证实如果对主观社会地位感知进行干预,可以极大地促进亲社会情绪的提升,进而促进亲社会行为的发生。/p> <<



    Prosocial behavior is the cornerstone of social harmony. How to promote prosocial behavior is not only a realistic social needs,but also an important issue in front of social psychologists. Current research often confused the phenomenon of prosocial behavior with its intention and motivation and make it difficult to promote prosocial behavior with a program with both feasibility and operability. The present study is a response to real-world problems,based on the mechanism of prosocial behavior from a perspective of cognitive neuroscience,using a combination of large-scale survey and laboratory experiments. It focused on the overall level of Beijing citizens’ prosocial behavior and its variability across different professions,regions,social classes and ages and found that overall Beijing citizens possess a strong intention towards the prosocial behavior,but in terms of the manifestation of specific prosocial behaviors,there is a big gap. The results further found that the cause of the gap originates mainly from the lack of prosocial emotions,consistent with the cognitive neuroscience findings of the role of the nucleus accumbens is prosocial motivation mechanism;and that the lack of prosocial emotions in Beijing citizens is related to their subjective perception of social status,especially the lack of a sense of respect. Following this vein,we designed two laboratory experiments to confirm the above link,and found that if the subjective perception of social status is manipulated,participants’ prosocial emotions would also be enhanced,and thus showing an elevation of the prosocial behavior.
