<<China’s rapid economic growth since its reform and opening up can be reflected from of its urban and industrialdevelopment,which,however,have been separated from each other either spatially and functionally. Prompted by the unsustainability of this growth patterm,China puts forwards the strategy of new urbanization after the 18th national congress of the communist party that centers around human development and aims toward city-industry integration. This paper briefly reviews the paths of urban and industrial development in China and western countries. It then quantitatively indexing city-industry integration through principal component analysis across nine cities in the Yangtze River Middle Range Urban-Region from 2004 to 2013. Following a qualitative examination of the problems for each group of cities,this paper concludes with differential suggestions promoting city-industry integration.
<<Keywords: | Principal Component AnalysisUrban Agglomeration in the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze RiverCity-industry Integration |