<<The preschool education problem of migrant children is a special issue thathas come along with the process of urbanization in China. Non-governmental kindergartens for migrant children have been the main channel to satisfy their need of preschool education. However,most of these kindergartens do not have legal status. They have become the targets of discipline by preschool education policy and have been faced with severe challenges of survival and development. Based on these questions,the essay proposes that we need to attach importance to migrant children’s real need for preschool education and make scientific decisions. Children’s rights must come first. Oppressive measures toward all non-governmental kindergartens for migrant children should be reconsidered. Joint efforts are needed to improve the quality of non-governmental kindergartens for migrant children. In addition,we ought to establish a bottom-line evaluation index to ensure that kindergartens reach the lowest standard of preschool service.
<<Keywords: | Migrant ChildrenPreschool Education PolicyNon-governmental Kindergartens for Migrant Children |