<<Also in its third year,the black-red Grand Coalition continues to face the contradictions caused by the refugee crisis in 2015. Due to the differences in the parties’ positions these contradictions cannot be resolved,and the relationship between the CDU and the CSU is at its lowest in 40 years. The AfD exploits public dissatisfaction with Merkel’s refugee policy to achieve its ascent and has won elections in five federal states (Länder). In the face of the defeat suffered by the CDU,Merkel began to fine-tune the self-evaluation of her refugee policy. The Grand Coalition that was neither particularly friendly nor openly hostile has still introduced some reforms. When the SPD proposed Martin Schulz as challenger to Federal Chancellor Merkel,who seeks her re-election,he became immensely popular overnight (“Schulz effect”). This increases the uncertainty in the 2017 German political landscape,and the results of the election will be less predictable,just as the formation of the cabinet.