<<As the whole country,confused by the refugees and the social-cultural problems they brought along,was worried about seeking cultural explanation in 2016 in Germany,the female writer Juli Zeh managed to pull the perspective from concrete and specific cultural phenomena back to the panorama of German society in recent years through a well-structured “Gesellschaftsroman” (social novel) Unterleuten. In a virtual village named Unterleuten in Brandenburg,the representative micro-world consists of highly stratified aborigines with former East Germany experience and urban immigrants from the west,to whom a former founding member of the Green Party and abird protector of today,a capitalist and some individuals of the Generation Millennium belong. In a regional development project of new energy,politically correctly driven by the government,all kinds of problems and contradictions among the villagers which have been suppressed or accumulated since a long period of time,i.e. the post-war interregnum,the German Democratic Republic and the reunified Germany,gradually emerge and eventually lead to the disintegration of the fragile temporary community. Perhaps the absurdity of reality has been replaced by post-truth,the self-centered German society is nowadays hovering between self-diaspora and the strong desire to integrate which is destined to fall.